Welcome to BDZ digital health

Welcome to BDZ digital health

About BDZ digital health

BDZ digital health is one of the HealthZone platform’s digital health programs. BDZ digital health is a 6 module digital health biopsychosocial educational intervention program that aims to help you to reduce & gradually withdraw from your benzodiazepine use. BDZ digital health provides you with information, strategies & tools to help you manage reduction and withdrawal side effects. We have also included a ‘mood and lifestyle events self-monitoring system’ that can help you to better ‘see’ your progress as you are working through the program. The program also allows you to connect a fitbit device so that you can discover even more about yourself. We also encourage you to seek telephone support from Reconnexion: a service of EACH. Watch the brief video below to learn more about BDZ digital health. 

***Please note that recruitment for the BDZ digital health evaluation trial study is currently closed.***